Industrial worksites face unique safety challenges. Onsite clinics can improve worker health, reduce injuries, and save businesses money. Learn how onsite clinics achieved a 6:1 ROI.
Industrial worksites, like food processing plants, grapple with keeping workers safe due to loud environments, fast-paced lines, and diverse teams. Onsite clinics are a game-changer, offering immediate care and reducing unnecessary offsite referrals. This translates to healthier workers, fewer injuries, and significant business cost savings. Studies show a 6:1 return on investment for onsite clinics in food processing facilities.
There’s more to picking out the right cut-resistant glove than just choosing the one with the highest cut protection; different jobs require certain types of protection, and too...
Ansell AlphaTec® 53-002 with MICROCHEM™ multi-layer barrier. Utilizing unique rubber polymer and plastic laminate technology for extreme protection against a wide range of chemical...
AlphaTec 53-003 gloves provide extreme chemical protection as well as protection against secondary hazards like mechanical and heat risks. A nylon liner enhances comfort and sweat...