Editor's Note: You can read an in-depth article on the survey results here. We will be posting additional survey results in the coming days and later package those, and some other insights in a full-length e-book.
What if you could change one thing about your job?
EHS Today editors asked, and you indulged us. We received a vast range of answers from more than 900 participants as part of our National Safety & Salary 2021 survey. Thank you for trusting us enough to share.
There were some prevailing answers: bigger budget, more staff and different reporting structure (many of whom do not like reporting to human resources or production).
We were pleased by the number of respondents who said they loved their job and wouldn’t change a thing.
We expected to receive some funny answers, and we did. We received a few disheartening answers, too.
But most of all, we were humbled to see your dedication shine through in your responses to this open-ended question, including: “One person cannot possibly perform the duties indicated in #14 for three campuses, 1,200 employees, and 10,000 students. But I try.”
It can often feel like the grass is greener on the other side, but there is—if not a universality—definitely camaraderie, commitment and empathy among safety professionals. After all, you work in this profession because you care about and want to help others. We salute you and pledge to do our best to help support you and the important work you're doing, day in, day out, and without fail.
We want to know how these answers compare to your own work situation. Drop us a line in the comments section below.
More findings from the survey: