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Anand Subramanian, Brandy Farris Miller, Jeffrey Fernandez

Anand Subramanian ([email protected]) is a principal at JFAssociates Inc., based in the Washington, D.C.  area.  He holds a Ph.D.  in industrial engineering from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, and is a Certified Six-Sigma Black Belt, a Certified Professional Ergonomist, and an OSHA-30 certified professional. 

Brandy Farris Miller ([email protected]) is a principal at Apex Ergonomics, based in the Phoenix area.  She holds a Ph.D.  in business organization and management and master's degree in industrial engineering with an emphasis in applied occupational ergonomics.  She is a Certified Professional Ergonomist, Certified Six-Sigma Black Belt, an OSHA authorized 10/30 hour general industry outreach trainer, and is known for her expertise in the application of industrial engineering and applied occupational ergonomics principles in a wide variety of industrial settings. 

Jeffrey Fernandez ([email protected]) is the managing principal at JFAssociates Inc., based in the Washington, D.C.  area.  He holds a Ph.D.  in industrial engineering from Texas Tech University, is a registered Professional Engineer and a Certified Professional Ergonomist, is known for his expertise in occupational ergonomics and classical industrial engineering and is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board at EHS Today.