“If cell phone distraction is an important factor in crash fatalities, why don’t we have a complete picture of the crashes that involve drivers using cell phones?” This is the question posed in the National Safety Council’s (NSC) “The Underreporting of Cell Phone Involvement in Fatal Crash Crashes” infographic, which was released along with a report suggesting cell phone distractions are underreported in car crashes.
According to the infographic, data alone cannot capture the full problem of cell phone distraction on our roads. Even when drivers admitted to using a cell phone at the time of a crash, for example, cell phones were coded in fatal crashes only 50 percent of the time.
The infographic includes the three levels of knowledge about cell phone crashes; a map displaying how many fatal cell phone crashes occurred in each state in 2011; an explanation of how data is lost in the reporting process; and more. View the infographic below or on NSC’s Web site.