Takash says that doing good business often depends on knowing the right people. When you network, you forge connections with colleagues and associates that can help you accomplish more and climb the professional ladder. But there's much more to being successful than just basic networking, which only can only get your foot in the door.
Bottom line, sayd Takash, it’s about the ability to develop breakthrough relationships, which requires self-knowledge and applying the right behaviors that lead to better business outcomes. It’s about knowing how to get the results you want through people.
Takash believes so strongly in this philosophy that he’s written a book: Results Through Relationships: Building Trust, Performance and Profit Through People.
Results Through Relationships teaches how to transition from one-dimensional business relationships to multidimensional connections with a wide variety of people. Takash puts a hard line on bottom line behaviors that expedite trust, improve workplace performance and increase profit. According to him, anyone can build stronger, more profitable relationships within their existing and expanding network of bosses, customers, clients, employees and vendors, regardless of position or organizational level. Such relationships, he adds, help break down the walls between colleagues to establish reciprocal benefits.
Takash also shows new employees and mid-level managers how to better steer their career upward through the management ranks. “Most business books don’t reveal much about how to manage their boss or be productively confrontational,” Takash says. “Results Through Relationships is different because it’s very behavioral focused and forces the reader to reflect upon his/her willingness to check their ego, be vulnerable and ‘own’ their results.”
In the book, Takash offers advice on:
- How to transition relationships to partnerships.
- How to listen skillfully and unselfishly.
- Why you should contribute to another person’s success.
- How personal vulnerability enhances business relationships.
- How to skillfully provide direct and honest feedback.
“We never had relationship skills 101 through formal education,” Takash adds, “yet dealing with people is the most vital and common thread for business success. Bottom line, no matter what business you're in, we're all in the relationship business first and foremost.”