MSHA’s data retrieval system allows users to examine data on inspections, violations, accidents, inspector samples, operator samples, quartz results and health samples at specific mines throughout the United States. Users can search by the mine name or ID, contractor name or ID, current controller or “high dollar” citations. The system is based on the history of each mine and also includes operator-specific information.
The new VPID tracking tool, which MSHA added to help improve compliance and safety within mines, provides additional information on the frequency of mine violations and creates a more detailed picture of a mine’s violation history. The system tracks violations per inspection day, the mine’s history of previous violations and repeat violations per inspection day.
According to MSHA, the tool allows mine operators to gauge safety performances and initiate improvements.
"MSHA's Web site serves as a unique tool for retrieving information about a mine's safety and health performance," said MSHA Administrator Richard Stickler. "We are hopeful that operators will use this feature to identify compliance problems and to take positive steps to address those problems. Doing so should help improve compliance with federal standards and ultimately improve mine safety and health."
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