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Expanding Worker Safety Through Alliances

Expanding Worker Safety Through Alliances

July 18, 2024
ASSP joins with NIOSH, ISEA and MCAA.

It has always been believed that the more people you throw at a problem, the better chance you have at solving it.

This might be the underpinning for a July 16 announcement from The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP). They signed memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with three safety organizations in order to advance worker safety and health.

The Society extended an existing alliance with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and created new strategic partnerships with the International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) and Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA).

These alliances are in addition to other joint agreements ASSP current has in place to improve the well-being of workers in all industries.

“We recognize the benefits of collaboration to improve occupational safety and health practices while elevating the voice of our profession,” said ASSP President Pam Walaski, in a statement. “Together we strive to strengthen advocacy efforts, implement programs and create standards that reduce worker illnesses, injuries and fatalities.”

Over several years, ASSP and NIOSH have worked cooperatively on conducting and implementing workplace safety research; promoting best practices and professional development opportunities; and encouraging employers to use safety and health management systems that are the cornerstone of successful businesses.

ASSP’s work with ISEA will better connect the Society to leading businesses and corporate leaders involved in the manufacturing, testing and application of personal protective equipment and safety products. The agreement will also support the development of voluntary national consensus standards.

ASSP’s work with MCAA will widen the Society’s access to safety professionals through greater involvement in MCAA’s safety and health conference – one of the longest-running construction conferences. The annual event offers training and education courses designed to improve safety practices among mechanical contractors.

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