Protecting your employees from on-the-job hand injuries is hard when you’re faced with the plethora of misinformation, myths and misnomers surrounding personal protective equipment (PPE). Specifically, the misinformation surrounding cut-resistant gloves certainly exacerbate the issue.
"Myth Busters: Cut-Resistant Gloves Edition," an article posted on the Zero Excuses web site, taps into a number of expert resources on cut-resistant gloves to expose the top myths surrounding hand protection, so you can ensure that you’re making the best, most informed decisions when it comes to protecting your workforce. In fact, the entire Zero Excuses web site provides a number of articles that focus specifically on hand protection.
The article will let you know if the following statements are the truth or myths:
- PPE should be your first line of defense against injuries.
- Providing PPE means your employees are protected.
- A hand injury won’t really impact your bottom line.
- Cut-resistant gloves make employees’ jobs more difficult due to lack of grip and dexterity.
- Leather gloves provide excellent hand protection.
- Cut-resistance levels don’t really matter.
- Level 5 gloves are cut-proof.
To find out if you know the difference between the truth and a myth, check out “Myth Busters: Cut-Resistant Gloves Edition.”