EHS Today Daily Update - Dec 7th, 2023
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EHS Today Daily Update

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A third of occupational eye injuries require trips to the emergency room, and at least 100 result in one or more days away from work.
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Download this Whitepaper to get access to a step-by-step guide to finding the right EHS Software for you and your organization. You will get access to tips and criteria in order to select the best solution. This asset will support you in identifying your needs, involving the right people effectively, reviewing selection criteria, as well as convincing management.

How one safety manager responded when he learned that his plant had been hit by a tornado.

Casella has launched its enhanced 620 sound level meter. Offering new upgrades over its predecessor such as: time history profiling, voice notes, GPS and more! These features save users time and effort with noise surveys.

By humanizing your safety program, workers will come to realize that safety isn’t just part of the job—it is the job.

Power Pusher® electric tugs are a safe, cost-effective alternative to large material handling equipment. The compact, walk-behind units enable a single person to safely move from 500 up to 250,000 lbs. with total control and maximum visibility.

Employers need to balance commitment to well-being against mounting cost pressures, says Business Group on Health.

We know that you have a lot of questions about flame resistant/arc rated (FR/AR) garments and how to properly care for and maintain them. Attend this webinar to uncover who is responsible for care and maintenance of FR/AR clothing, the top 10 things to do, and more!

Editor's Choice
We're looking for great speakers for Safety Leadership Conference 2024 in Denver, Aug. 26-28, 2024. We'd love to have you submit a session idea. Here's how.