Bonjour! EHS Today is in Montreal for the American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo (AIHce), where thousands of occupational and environmental health and safety professionals have convened to discuss the latest trends in industrial hygiene innovation.
In Montreal, it’s all about three words: joie de vivre, the joy of living. But when attendees aren’t enjoying this international city’s world-class restaurants, arts and culture offerings, shopping and attractions, AIHce attendees will have a range of education sessions and networking opportunities at their fingertips.
AIHce, co-sponsored by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), features a theme this year of “The Art + Science of Professional Judgment.” Conference highlights include:
- A special May 21 general session featuring OSHA Administrator Dr. David Michaels and the Honorable Lisa Raitt, minister of labor, human resources and skills development Canada.
- The debut of a Canadian Issues Educational Track, with sessions focusing on Canadian-based OEHS issues and research.
- A special clandestine drug lab exhibit, which will display a mock clandestine drug lab that highlights the hazards associated with the production of methamphetamine and indoor marijuana grow operations.
- New educational books and materials will be available for purchase on site.
- AIHA has released its updated Consults Listing, a searchable print and online directory of its consultant members.
- AIHA also will hold its 2013 Career Advantage Development Fair, which features sessions designed to help those in the EHS field advance thir curren careers and find and maintain positions in the industry.
Be sure to stay tuned to for coverage of AIHce 2013. To learn more about the conference, visit