Study Reveals Widespread Fatigue, Risk for Errors with 12-Hour Nursing Shifts

June 9, 2010
The common practice of successive 12-hour shifts for U.S. hospital nurses leaves many with serious sleep deprivation, a higher risk of health problems and more odds of making patient errors, according to a University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) study.

The 12-hour shift trend started in the 1970s and 1980s when there were nursing shortages, said Jeanne Geiger-Brown, Ph.D., R.N., associate professor with the School of Nursing at UMB. Hospitals started giving nurses more benefits and bonuses, eventually leading to emphasis on 12-hour shifts, negotiated by the nursing profession, while hospitals saw that the change made nurses happy and bought into it, she said.

“Nurses often prefer working a bunch of 12-hour shifts and then lots of time off. But I contend that it is not a good thing for nurse planning,” said Geiger-Brown.

The study involved 80 registered nurses, working three successive 12-hour shifts, either day or night. “We were surprised at the short duration of sleep that nurses achieve between 12-hour shifts,” she said. “Over 50 percent of shifts were longer than 12.5 hours, and with long commutes and family responsibilities, nurses have very little opportunity to rest between shifts.”

The study also found that the average total sleep time between 12-hour shifts was only 5.5 hours. Night-shift nurses averaged only about 5.2 hours of sleep, and the quality of their sleep was extremely fragmented. People who are sleep deprived experience microsleep periods, little lapses in attention, and intershift fatigue, “meaning that on the next shift you don’t fully recover from the previous one,” said Geiger-Brown.


“Few hospitals offer alternatives to the pattern,” Geiger-Brown added. “There is increasing evidence that 12-hour shifts adversely affect performance. In 10 previously published studies of the effects of 12-hour shifts, none showed positive effects, while four showed negative effects on performance.

Most recent studies cited in the article point to an increase in patient care errors related to successive 12-hour shifts. Geiger-Brown cites one study of 393 nurses on 5,317 shifts who were surveyed anonymously. The odds of making errors by those who reported working more than 12 hours in shifts was 3 times greater than nurses who reported working 8.5 hour shifts.

Experiencing partial sleep deprivation chronically, over many years, is dangerous to the nurses’ health and to the patients. The most common problems with an over emphasis on 12-hour shifts are needle-stick injuries, musculoskeletal disorders, drowsy driving, and other health breakdowns related to sleep deprivation.

The authors don’t expect 12-hour shifts to end anytime soon. However, there are several tools hospitals can deploy to help nurses and hospital administrators better manage the practice, such as courses in harm reduction, fatigue risk management, and more training focusing on the risks.

About the Author

Laura Walter

Laura Walter was formerly senior editor of EHS Today. She is a subject matter expert in EHS compliance and government issues and has covered a variety of topics relating to occupational safety and health. Her writing has earned awards from the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE), the Trade Association Business Publications International (TABPI) and APEX Awards for Publication Excellence. Her debut novel, Body of Stars (Dutton) was published in 2021.

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