It seems there is online training for just about everything these days.
Now that’s true of ergonomics, as Texas A&M, in partnership with Nokia is providing online ergonomics training.
“Given the rapid rise of remote office work, it is critical for companies to learn the best methods of training workers in these unique environments. Nokia and Texas A&M are collaborating to discover results that will benefit remote workers in all types of industries,” said Mark Benden, director of the Ergo Center, department head and professor in Environmental and Occupational Health at the Texas A&M University School of Public Health, in an online article on the university’s site.
Training will be done with artificial intelligence that uses a digital human being named Cassandra. This method provides an interactive, immersive training experience.
Research will be done to compare this online tradition to traditional, text-based online training modules through its study titled “Utilization of Digital People in Online Ergonomic Training for Remote Office Workers.”
"I believe this partnership with Texas A&M, and specifically this AI research to advance safety-related training for a largely remote workforce, will yield benefits beyond just course credit into breakthrough culture shifts,” said Curtis Wales, Nokia Head of Safety and Security for the Americas.
The Ergo Center examines the health of information workers using cutting-edge research to improve work safety. It’s involved in literature reviews, develops experimental designs, performs product validations, and carries out pilot studies that foster the success of health and safety professionals.
Additionally, it provides safety and ergonomic assessments; process development, implementation and evaluation; develops and applies ergonomic designs and interventions; assesses actual and prototypical workplaces using human modeling systems; and can provide experienced and professional expert witnesses.