OSHA released the videos to offer both employers and workers brief, easy-to-understand education about construction safety. The animated videos are based on real-life incidents and include depictions of hazards and the safety measures that would have prevented injuries and fatalities.
For example, the Falls in Construction/Reroofing video portrays a woman working on a roof without fall protection. As she reached for another shingle, she lost her balance, fell 20 feet to the driveway below and died instantly from her injuries. The video explains how a personal fall arrest system would have prevented the fall and saved her life.
The videos, which each last between 2 and 4 minutes, cover falls in construction; workers who are struck by vehicles and heavy equipment; sprain and strain injuries; trenching and excavation hazards; and carbon monoxide poisoning. They can be viewed online at http://www.osha.gov/dts/vtools/construction.html.
“I urge anyone who works in the construction industry or operates a construction business to watch the videos. Share them with your coworkers and friends in the construction industry; organize screenings for your workers; and post them to your Web pages,” said Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Health and Safety Dr. David Michaels.
The videos are available online in both English and Spanish versions. Users may choose to watch the videos online, download them for future screenings or view them on the U.S. Department of Labor’s YouTube channel. Transcripts of each video in either English or Spanish also are available.
“Every step we take to educate workers about their rights and the safety measures employers must take to protect workers in construction helps us avoid preventable injuries and the tragic loss of life,” Michaels added.