The International Division of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) and the British Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) will come together to host an international safety forum on contractor-construction safety.
The first-ever joint international safety forum will be held Oct. 12, 2000 in London, England.
"As construction is on the rise throughout the world, contractor safety is a major international concern for safety and health professionals in the global manufacturing, service and construction sectors," said Kathy Seabrook, ASSE vice president of practices and standards. "As our world becomes a seamless society, it is important for us to share our knowledge and best practices on this and other safety issues as we work together to protect people, property and the environment."
The forum, open to all interested parties, will focus on the industry's best practices in the U.K. and the U.S. for managing contractors in the global workplace.
Topics will include the U.K. Construction Design and Management Regulations and challenges for managing contractors from an owner's and contractor's standpoint.
International roundtable discussion on key contractor safety and health issues are also planned.
The forum is being sponsored by the global construction firm of Black and Veatch.
Noting the importance of communicating best safety practices in this area, ASSE's Construction Division Administrator Paul Weida, corporate safety director of Black and Veatch, said that this unique and international meeting will certainly open major lines of communication between safety and health professionals from all countries.
Featured at the forum will be a presentation by Jack Popp, director of corporate safety, health and loss control services for HASBRO Inc., on HASBRO's program for managing their contractors throughout the world.
"This is the first time ASSE and IOSH have come together to host such an important event," said Seabrook. "We are urging everyone to register early due to the timeliness and importance of this topic. In the long run, the knowledge shared at this forum will be invaluable for safety professionals throughout the world as they continue to work at increasing safety for everyone."
The forum will be held at Black and Veatch's U.K. Isleworth offices in London from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Oct. 12 and it is free.
To make reservations, fax ASSE's Laura Andujar at (847) 296-3769.