The National Safety Council''s NSC Press announced the publication of "Authentic Involvement," written by renowned safety professional Dan Petersen.
Petersen believes that the philosophy of "Authentic Involvement" goes beyond behavior-based safety to the involvement and empowerment of the employee in the safety process.
"In contrast to the behavior-based approach, which encourages peer observation and the correction of unsafe behaviors, authentic involvement seeks to empower the employee while making management''s efforts more visible," said Petersen. "By promoting the responsibilities, achievements and recognition of the employee, management creates a perception of safety involvement. When management has greater participation and accountability, and promotes a culture of authentic involvement by the worker, employees are motivated to work toward greater safety."
Real, authentic involvement is based upon worker participation, where the worker engages in activities that satisfy that person''s human needs, and thus become a motivating factor for him or her, according to Petersen.
"Every person''s needs are different, but most people respond to being treated as an equal, not a subordinate; being able to use their innate intelligence and skills every day; being given responsibility and the expectation of achievement; and being recognized for doing a good job," said Petersen. "So in a positive safety culture, the worker hears management say ''we want and need your help to achieve safety'' and the worker responds to that by sharing responsibility for safety, thus becoming empowered to make positive achievements in safety."
That is what Petersen means by "built-in or integrated safety."
"It''s the only brand of safety that''s permanently effective. This approach has withstood the test of time; it''s based on fundamental principles of the safety movement," said Petersen. "Authentic involvement promotes and recognizes both management''s efforts and the achievements of the employee. This degree of involvement results in greater staying power of the safety process, with or without change in the organizational structure."
To order "Authentic Involvement" call (800) 621-7619 or your local NSC chapter.
by Virginia Sutcliffe