With the growing threat of bioterrorism in America's workplaces, and the need to have emergency preparedness/disaster plans either updated or developed, the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses Inc. (AAOHN) has launched a new online section at www.aaohn.org to assist occupational and environmental health professionals in their roles regarding these issues.
The section - Occupational Health Response to Terrorism - offers various resources for the professionals responsible for the health and safety of our nation's workforce. These resources include:
- Bioterrorism-Implications for the Occupational and Environmental Health Nurse - an article from the November 2001 AAOHN Journal summarizing potential agents, detection, surveillance, mitigation, treatment, and disaster planning.
- AAOHN ADVISORY: Emergency Preparedness/Disaster Planning and Bioterrorism-Occupational Health Nurse Response.
- AAOHN ADVISORY: Occupational Health Nurse's Role in the Wake of Tragedy.
Links to additional resources, such as information available from the United States Postal Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are also available.
edited by Sandy Smith