The grants will be awarded to organizations that propose to educate workers and employers in small businesses; non-English speaking workers, and workers who are employed in high hazard industries and industries with high fatality rates.
OSHA will award two categories of Susan Harwood grants:
Targeted Topic Grants will support training in the recognition and prevention of ergonomic hazards in industries with high incident rates of ergonomic injuries and homeland security programs that train workers and employers on preparing to respond to emergency situations in the workplace.
Institutional Competency Building Grants will assist nonprofit organizations in expanding safety and health training, education and outreach. To be eligible to apply for this grant category, organizations must serve clients nationally or in multi-state areas, and provide safety and health training, education and services to their clients.
Details about the grants and the application process were published in the May 22, 2002, Federal Register, and applications are available on OSHA's web site at or can be obtained from the OSHA Office of Training and Education, Division of Training and Educational Programs, 1555 Times Drive, Des Plaines, Ill., 60018; telephone: (847) 297-4810.