On April 25 a fatal accident occurred involving the collapse of a gantry crane at the Port of Morrow. At the time of the collapse, the newly erected gantry crane was in a trial run with a technician in the operator's cab. The technician was killed when structural members of the Kaverit 60-ton crane failed. The serious citation alleges that workers were not provided a safe workplace because of exposure to the sudden collapse of the crane. The Occupational Safety and Health Act defines a serious violation as one in which there is substantial probability that death or serious physical harm could result and the employer knew, or should have known, of the hazard.
According to OSHA, the gantry crane frame was not properly designed to standard industry practice and could not withstand sufficient lateral force.
Kaverit Steel and Crane has 15 working days following receipt of the citation to contest the violation or to request a meeting with OSHA to discuss the violation notice, including methods of correction, length of abatement period and the proposed penalty.