But the industrial workplace can be made safer. That is the main goal of Welding Health and Safety: A Field Guide For OEHS Professionals, published by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA).
Author Michael K. Harris, PhD, CIH, a former welder and welding instructor for the U.S. Army, wrote this book not only for industrial hygienists and safety professionals, but also for welders, engineers, project managers and others who manage welding operations in shipbuilding, plants, construction or repair projects, and railroads.
A common problem faced by managers who are not trained as welders is understanding the lingo, says Harris. "If we understand the process of welding and the unique vocabulary, we will be able to communicate more effectively, leading to better safety decisions and practices," he notes.
Developed as a reader-friendly crash course on the basics of identifying and correcting potential hazards, this book covers 25 common welding processes with health and safety summaries for each one. The 245-page book includes a template for a site-specific Evaluation Form, a three-step investigation procedure and a review of applicable standards and regulations.
The book is available from AIHA for $44 for members and $59 for nonmembers. Call (301) 283-3064, or visit www.aiha.org/marketplace.htm.