Nanotechnology: Challenges, Research, and Interim Recommendations for Workplace Safety and Health
An exclusive event within the Occupational Hazards Safety WebExpo and Conference
Brought to you by: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
The field of nanotechnology is advancing rapidly and will likely revolutionize a broad range of consumer, medical, and industrial applications. As with any new technology, many unknowns exist, all of which raise questions concerning the health and safety of workers employed in the manufacture and industrial use of nanomaterials. As nanotechnology develops, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is committed to ensuring worker protection by conducting scientific research on key questions, and making interim recommendations based on the emerging scientific data. NIOSH Director John Howard, M.D., will discuss the challenges for occupational safety and health, and the ways in which NIOSH and its partners are meeting those challenges.