The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) recently completed a detailed study of salaries for Certified Safety Professionals (CSPs) based on data complied in 1998 from more than 4,000 CSPs.
Results show that the average salary for CSPs is $69,218 annually. Results also show that CSPs earn significantly more than safety professionals without certification.
The main portion of the 190-page report contains salary distributions, graphs and analysis for more than 170 groups and subgroups. In addition to the overall pay distribution, the breakouts cover gender, education level, degree type, industry state, age and other certifications held.
The study also included salary data from about 800 individuals who hold the Associate Safety Professional (ASP) designation, an interim title awarded to candidates meeting certain requirements leading to the CSP.
A copy of the 1998 BCSP Salary Survey is available by calling (217) 359-9263 or e-mailing: [email protected]. The price is $30 for CSPs and ASPs and $250 for all others.