OSHA recently updated its compliance directive on powered industrial truck operator training standards.
A revised version of "Compliance Assistance for the Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training Standards" (CPL 2-1.28A), appeared on the agency''s Web site earlier this month.
Compliance directives provide guidance for agency enforcement officers during field inspections.
The update was needed because OSHA "is reviewing the appropriate training and coverage of personnel and burden carriers," the directive said.
Because of the review, OSHA will not enforce the training standard for "Personnel and Burden Carriers, ASME B56.8."
As a result, reference to personnel and burden carriers was deleted from question 12 in Appendix A, the directive said.
OSHA revised its training requirements for the powered industrial truck standard in December 1998, requiring employers that use forklifts and other industrial trucks at their work sites to provide thorough initial training to truck operators and refresher training every three years (63 FR 66237).
The final rule covered the construction, maritime, longshoring, shipyards and general industry. At that time, personnel and burden carriers were named in the training standard.
The revised compliance directive contains three appendices:
- Appendix A provides a list of questions and answers to assist agency inspectors ensure compliance standards;
- Appendix B provides a copy of an Oct. 9, 1996, seat belt enforcement memorandum; and
- Appendix C provides a copy of the July 14 settlement agreement between the agency and the National Maritime Safety Association.
by Virginia Sutcliffe