CF Industries, St. Louis Warehouse, was approved by OSHA for continuation in the agency''s Star Voluntary Protection Program (VPP).
"In evaluating the company''s safety and health program, the OSHA review team found excellence in safety and health management, employee training and the application of appropriate resources into these areas," said Charles Adkins, regional administrator. "We were impressed with the participation of top level management in CF Industries'' safety and health program and believe it is the key to its effectiveness."
CF Industries employs approximately six workers and is engaged in the distribution of chemical fertilizers.
The facility was first approved for the OSHA Star Program on June 19, 1998.
In addition to an exemplary safety and health program, the facility has had zero recordable injuries and illnesses throughout the last three years, which is far below the national average for its industry.
The VPP is designed to recognize and promote effective safety and health management. In the VPP, management, labor and OSHA establish a cooperative relationship at a workplace which has implemented a strong program. Star participants meet all VPP requirements.
A worksite approved for VPP is not targeted by OSHA for a regularly scheduled programmed inspection, though it must, continue to comply with all OSHA safety and health regulations.
There are approximately 711 worksites in the United States, including CF Industries, in the VPP.
by Virginia Sutcliffe