National Small Business United (NSBU), the nation's oldest small business advocacy organization, said OSHA's proposed standard is disproportionately detrimental to small businesses.
NSBU President Todd McCracken, as well as two NSBU members, testified Tuesday at the proposed ergonomics standard hearing in Washington, D.C.
In his testimony, McCracken expressed that the organization and its members feel that the proposed regulation is a disadvantage to the small business community and will negatively impact those businesses that make an effort to protect employees.
"We strongly urge OSHA to reconsider the release of its ergonomics standard, which the agency seems wholeheartedly committed to, regardless of its numerous faults," McCracken testified. "This broad effort to redefine the workplace needs to be supported and mandated by scientific consensus, of which there is none."
In its comments filed to OSHA, organization also said that the agency has significantly underestimated the hardship, both financial and operative, for small businesses.
"If a small business followed the path prescribed by the proposed regulation, it is uncertain whether there would be any decrease in injuries, let alone decrease to warrant the rule," NSBU said in its comments to OSHA.
NSBU represents more than 65,000 small businesses across the country.