The majority of the executive management team at Solid Platforms Inc. came up through the ranks, which might explain why they take such a personal interest in providing safety leadership.
The president/CEO, vice president of operations, construction managers, the safety director and job site safety administrators meet monthly to review safety performance, and weekly, the president and vice president of operations participate in independent job site field audits. These unscheduled audits are done to ensure compliance with the company's safety manual.
"These audits also provide an opportunity for our craftsmen to speak directly with management about any concerns that they may have," says Sales Manager Thomas Dunajeski. "We reinforce the fact that working safely is something that must happen throughout all levels of our organization."
Both the president and VP are current members of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, each having served a four-year apprenticeship before working their way up to management positions, says Dunajeski, who adds: "Our field forces willingly accept the guidance offered and the decisions made by members of management who have worked with the tools."
Employees actively participate in the safety process from their first day of hire.
Craftsmen must have certain levels of training before they can be hired. Through the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, members are required to complete training in safety and specific aspects of their trade prior to being assigned to a job site. "This training provides the basics of their craft and emphasizes situational safety considerations, while heightening their skills," says Dunajeski.
Each new employee participates in a new hire orientation program, where they receive an introduction to the personal and professional expectations of Solid Platforms, including safety. At that time, all personal information, including completed training classes and certifications, are loaded into a tracking software called Simply Safety. In addition, newly hired or less experienced employees are paired with a more experienced employee.
This mentor provides additional on-the-job training by sharing field experience and overall knowledge that he's accumulated throughout his career.
"These elements are fundamental to the success of our business. Employees are taught that identification without mitigation is unacceptable and employee empowerment to correct safety concerns is paramount to a successful safety program," notes Dunajeski.
Solid Platforms Inc.
Portage, Ind.
504 employees/19 EHS professionals
Scaffolding contractor